Goud water

Waterbedrijf Groningen, Gold Water!

Nowadays, tapwater in the northern Dutch city of Groningen is of excellent quality. Not too long ago however, tapwater was still the source of numerous deseases. That’s why in 1879, Waterbedrijf Groningen was founded in order to make water safe. When the company turned 140, it was time for a celebration! We created a festive beer based on the main points of focus of the water company: sustainability, social responsibility and regional collaboration.

We named the beer ‘Goud Water’, which translates to ‘Gold Water’, but in the dialect of Groningen also means ‘goodwater’. It is a golden blonde beer with high-quality local water as its main ingredient. Its name also refers to the healing power that was once attributed to beer when it was indeed preferred over water. We designed the packaging and the label, which presents the names of the founders of the Waterbedrijf Groningen: Dentz De La Faille.

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